No matter how effectively traditional medicine is developing, everyone will always be interested in the question of folk remedies to quickly increase efficiency. In the past, when there were no potency-enhancing drugs, folk recipes were used. It is worth noting that such therapy can be effective even if the cause of reduced potency is not inflammation or infection.

Erectile dysfunction is often observed in young men. The dynamic rhythm of life, frequent work stress, and overwork adversely affect men's health. Today we will talk about folk remedies for quick action.
When you have to say no to folk methods
It is worth saying that men do not rush to see a doctor at all, even if it is about their male strength.
It happened that a person tries to solve such a delicate problem alone until the end.
When can you not postpone going to the doctor?
If a man has the following problems in addition to erectile dysfunction, he needs professional help:
- Pain in the groin, testicles, genitals;
- Frequent or difficult urination;
- Visual changes in the organ (enlarged testicles, skin redness), etc. ;
- Injury to the groin (if the pain does not subside within a few hours);
- Unnatural discharge from the urethra (yellow, scarlet, green mucus);
- Bad smell, itching.
In case of such accompanying symptoms, the potency cannot be increased by itself, as the problem may be inflammation or infection. It should be noted that such problems cannot be treated at home, so a consultation with an andrologist or urologist is necessary.

Of course, you can use folk recipes, but in this case, such therapy serves as an auxiliary tool, and not the main one.
When traditional medicine is relevant
According to statistics, every man has faced such a problem as erectile dysfunction. In such cases, the sexual organ "fails" at the most necessary moment, and the desire for intimacy is present. What are the reasons for this?
- Alcohol poisoning. When a man has "passed, " his erectile function is reduced, even if he is not averse to sex. Alcohol relaxes the muscles and the central nervous system, so the necessary impulse does not reach the brain. This leads to sexual dysfunction. But with a single poisoning, the erection is restored. If a person abuses alcohol (even in small doses, but daily), then his ability in bed is significantly reduced;
- Overwork. When someone works hard, their body doesn't want to spend energy on energy or sex;
- Tension. It has been proven that systematic stimulation of men's nervous system leads to hormonal imbalance. Testosterone is produced in smaller quantities, so intimate "feelings of shame" are more common;
- Smoking. Cigarette smoke contains many synthetic additives. These, in turn, clog the vessels and make them spasm. Because of this, blood flow is disturbed, especially in the genitals;

Of course, in order to increase potency, you have to give up bad habits, normalize your work schedule and saturate your body with energy. But how can you replace the lost energy and increase the "working capacity" of the penis?
Folk remedies to increase potency quickly
It is always important for men to be "in shape".
If the problems start in the bedroom, their mental health is subjected to abundant torture.
There are many natural medicinal products that can quickly restore potency. Describe the most effective ones.
Honey and walnuts
The combination of these ingredients impresses with its set of useful trace elements. Honey has a wonderful effect on male potency, walnuts stimulate male sexual desire. To restore erectile function, eat at least 150 grams of walnuts and 50 grams of honey. It is better to make a mixture of these products and consume them throughout the day. It should be noted that this method helps restore sexual power within 4-5 days.

This plant is constantly listed among potency-enhancing tools. And for good reason. Ginseng not only dilates the blood vessels and saturates the genitals with blood and oxygen, but is also a kind of aphrodisiac. You can make your own ginseng tincture by buying dry powder at the pharmacy. Cooking is simple: take 1 tbsp. l. ginseng and pour a glass of boiling water. After the liquid has cooled, filter it and drink it twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Potency improves within 3-4 days. If you don't want to make the elixir yourself, you can buy ginseng tincture at the pharmacy.

carrot juice
Carrots contain carotene and zinc, which have a qualitative effect on potency. It is best to prepare fresh carrots in portions, that is, use only freshly prepared fruit juice. For the best effect, add 0. 5 tsp. Honey. Drink fruit juice three times a day, 200 ml. You should immediately book and warn professionals about this method of restoring an erection: such fresh juice can change the color of urine. If a man notices orange urine, there is no need to fear. This is carrot pigment.

This plant has long been considered medicinal. Today, it is often used in dietary supplements to increase potency. Nettle is a storehouse of trace elements and vitamins. This herb not only increases male libido, but also cleanses blood, blood vessels of toxins and blockages. If you drink the concoction daily, you can feel a certain lightness of energy, vitality and body from the second day. Of course, nettle also affects the stimulation of the penis. To prepare the healing elixir, you need 1 tablespoon. l. dried nettle and pour a glass of boiling water. Drink the decoction after 30 minutes twice a day.

It has long been used in folk medicine to prevent and treat prostatitis, adenoma, and to increase male potency. The main component is zinc, which is the "savior" of men. To prepare the thyme decoction, take 150 g of dried flowers and pour 250 ml of water. Drink a concoction throughout the day.

Increasing the effectiveness of folk remedies in 3 days
In order to quickly and effectively increase potency in three days, you need to prepare a number of magical drinks that stimulate the excitement of the penis. Increasing the potency will not work in a day, but the effect will appear very quickly.
poplar bark
The bark of the tree has amazing properties. First of all, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels and cleans them. Moreover, by properly preparing the concoction, it immediately affects male potency. It's almost impossible to get it wrong. You need to take 200 gr. bark (available at a pharmacy) and pour a liter of boiling water. It is important to let the concoction cook. For this, it is better to take it to a cool place for 30-60 minutes. Drink 100-150 gr. three times a day.

This root activates the male power. With the help of this plant, you can not only increase potency, but also prevent diseases such as prostatitis, adenoma, impotence. This fragrant plant has a beneficial effect on the whole body. It's pretty easy to make. You can simply grind the root on a grater, take 1 tsp. and add to your favorite tea. It is also a great way to cook ginger with honey. The proportions are 50: 50, ie. 100 gr. chopped ginger and 100 g. Honey. Mix and consume 1 tablespoon. l. three times a day. The effect of the purchase appears quickly.

There is another recipe that, according to experience, can increase potency in a day.
White wine
On the basis of this intoxicating drink, a strong sexual stimulant is created, in which the effect can be observed within half an hour.
That is, this cocktail should be drunk right before the foreplay begins.
Recipe: buy a liter of wine, add a glass of orange juice and 0. 5 glasses of lemon juice. Then put 2 tbsp. l. honey, cardamom, mint leaves, liqueur 1 tbsp. l. the cocktail will be tasty and "strong" at the same time.
But there is one caveat: this elixir must be heated on the stove (avoid the microwave) without boiling. But once it's done, you have to stick to it for three days. The natural stimulant can then be used immediately before sex.
With today's lifestyle, it's no wonder people are becoming physically incapacitated. This applies not only to men, but also to women. Therefore, you need to take as many vitamins as possible, get rid of bad habits and drink healthy concoctions and teas to increase vitality and, in the case of men, potency.
Herbs to increase potency in men
Potency herbs are ancient recipes that have been used for a long time and helped our grandfathers and great grandfathers restore male strength.
Today, medical science has taken a big step forward and there are many methods that would help to solve the problem. But not every man rushes to the doctor and tries to solve his delicate problem with long-forgotten methods. In this article, we will look at what herbs and plants help restore male potency.
Is it possible to increase potency at home?
Modern living conditions, the ecological environment, and constant stress often influence the decline of men's potency. The statistics related to this are also very alarming. The age limit decreases every year. And if for a few decades the first problems with male potency were detected after 50 years, today this number is 40.
Today, potency-enhancing pills can be found in almost every pharmacy. This is a really good and modern solution to the problem. But their effect is short-lived. In addition, the price of such pills is very high, which not everyone can afford.
Under these conditions, the man starts looking for other alternative and more acceptable methods to increase his manhood. One such solution is potency-enhancing herbal preparations.
This treatment has its advantages:
- significant savings - the collections of herbs or the necessary tinctures are quite cheap, and all of them can be bought in pharmacies or prepared independently, which will be discussed below;
- the effectiveness of the treatment - herbs improve potency by curing the problem and do not give short-term results;
- a wide range of treatments - properly selected decoctions, collections, tinctures help to solve many potency problems (increased libido, weak erectile function, premature ejaculation, etc. ), but it is also important to follow a proper and healthy lifestyle;
- the lack of side effects is another positive factor in the use of herbs to enhance efficiency.
You can increase men's libido and potency at home using herbs and folk recipes.
Doctors also talk about their positive effect, some of them recommend the use of medicines together with the prescriptions of traditional medicine in order to increase the positive effect.
What is important to remember when treating with herbs
It is a mistake to think that herbal treatment is very simple and requires no knowledge.
In addition, the types of herbs collected incorrectly or bought on spontaneous markets are dangerous, they can negatively affect the body and have the opposite effect.
It is important to know, remember and follow the rules that eliminate possible side effects and ensure a high therapeutic rate. In order to increase potency with men's folk remedies, it is recommended to follow these rules.
- It is better if the treatment is carried out after the diagnosis of the disease. The fact is that there are many reasons for a decrease in libido and potency, from psychological factors to bacterial infections or prostatitis.
- Do not be afraid to consult and do a series of tests to find out the cause. In addition, many doctors themselves, after establishing a certain diagnosis, recommend a certain collection of herbs or a medicine based on a certain plant. The doctor also takes into account the possible contraindications that may apply to the medicine given to the patient or that cannot always be done independently.
- Only a doctor can prescribe the combined intake of medicines and folk remedies. It is not recommended to do this on your own, as some herbs can reduce the effect of the medicinal components. In addition, side effects may occur.
- Do not expect a quick therapeutic effect on the first day after taking it. A potion or tincture to increase potency only works after the full course of therapy. The opinion of men that the herbal medicine does not work after taking it for 2 days is wrong in most cases.
- Alcoholic beverages should be avoided during treatment with herbs, whose effect is aimed at increasing potency and libido. Adherence to the diet is also important.
- Get the ingredients to make the medicine only in pharmacies. Here you can make sure that the decoction or tincture made from it does not contain radiation, heavy metals and other harmful substances that plants can take from the environment.
If you want to collect herbs to increase sexual power, choose places away from industrial areas and highways.
Such an approach to business gives a positive result in treatment.
What herbs are good for men's health
Among the people there is a complete list of herbs that increase potency and male libido:
- Ginkgo biloba;
- radiola rosea (Tibetan ginseng);
- hawthorn;
- ginger;
- celery and parsley;
- calamus swamp etc.
This list can be continued for a long time.
Let's look at some plants and their effect on the body of the stronger sex.
- Ginseng restores libido well. If we use a decoction of it, or a preparation based on it, then in addition to desire, the cardiovascular system also improves significantly, which is also directly related to the potency of the stronger sex.
- Lemongrass is a plant that is very often used specifically to treat impotence, which is associated with stagnant processes in the organs and a decrease in blood circulation.
- Hawthorn is an ancient herb used specifically to increase potency.
Its effect is aimed at improving blood flow to the male genital organs. Hawthorn is one of the most popular herbs used in Germany to treat potency problems.
- Ginkgo Biloba came to us from Eastern medicine. It is widely used by Chinese men. The effect of this plant is aimed at improving blood flow to the genitals. Gingo Biloba also contains several components that help relieve inflammation in the urogenital area. In the pharmacy, you can find more than one medicine that contains this plant.
- If you want to benefit directly from the garden, then pay attention to celery and parsley. The root of these plants is popular among men who want to increase their virility. They can be used in any form.
For example, add grated dried root to salad, soup, main dishes. You can also make a concoction. Both the root and the greens are used for this. Parsley and celery are plants that have been helping men for decades. The roots of these plants must be included in the diet continuously, which guarantees a long-term positive effect.
- Ginger is also widely used in folk medicine. Its second name is "the fruit of love", and it was not given by chance. Ginger's effectiveness in solving male problems is no worse than the famous Viagra. In addition, it has a positive effect not only on the genitals, but also on the entire body, strengthening it, filling it with essential vitamins andwith nutrients. A positive effect on potency can be observed due to the effect of amino acids and essential oils due to their blood circulation-improving effect. Use fresh, pickled or dried. Add to tea, make the tincture, dissolve in the mouth.
- Swamp calamus (use the root). Avicenna wrote about the positive libido- and potency-enhancing properties of this plant. In the modern world, men use the root of swamp calamus to achieve the desired result. They make decoctions and medicinal mixtures from it.
All these herbs and plants are also used in libido and potency-enhancing preparations.
Collections of herbs
Medicinal plants occupy a special place in the treatment of potency problems among men. After all, the components that make up the composition contain several plants, have the best effect on erectile dysfunction, and are selected according to the problem to be cured.
Collecting herbs always allows us to take into account everything that worries a man. Let's look at some examples.
The first will be a collection based on squid (root), fenugreek seeds and yarrow (50 gr / 50 gr / 100 gr). All ingredients are very well ground and mixed.
Such a collection can be drunk in the form of tinctures or added to salads, for example, as a spice. The tincture of these plants is used in 250 gr. maximum 3 times a day. It is prepared by pouring 3 tbsp. tablespoons of mixture with 0. 5 liters of boiling water. Good for increasing libido.
Another recipe that has a good effect on men. Its ingredients will be mint, St. John's wort, nettle and clover, which we take in equal proportions.
Pour all ingredients with water (boiling water), wrap and soak for 30 minutes. Drink a glass of the decoction three times a day.
The roots of the following miracle recipe take us to distant France, where it is very popular among men as an effective means of solving potency-enhancing problems. For cooking, you will need thyme, mint and rosemary in a ratio of 4: 2: 1. The broth is ready after it has completely cooled down.
It can take a lot of time to find out which herbs are used and which are really effective in treating erectile dysfunction in men. We offer you only the most popular and frequently used tools for this purpose.
Remember that traditional herbal therapy recipes do not bring lightning-fast effects after the first sip. You need to drink them in courses and for a long time.
We hope that we have given you enough information about which herbs increase potency. For effective application and to achieve the desired result, do not forget about the rules of recording.
Knowing and understanding the problem will make it easier to determine which plant is best suited to solve the problem.
This saves time, and soon you will feel a positive result.

How are varicose veins and potency related? This question is of interest to men with this pathology. For the answer, you need to know what the disease is and what is the cause of its development. One variant of varicose veins is varicocele (dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord of the scrotum).
Causes of pathology
Varicose veins can have many causes. But most often the pathology develops due to a violation of the functioning of the valves. Venous blood is thrown into the vessels of the spermatic cord, overflowing them.
The following are considered predisposing factors that affect potency:
- high blood pressure, obesity;
- alcoholism, smoking;
- hormonal disorders;
- ischemic heart disease;
- infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
- daily strenuous physical work;
- systematic constipation;
- increased temperature in the testicles;
- genetic predisposition;
- oncological problems.
The severity of varicose veins is related to the individual characteristics of the male body and also depends on the flexibility and strength of the blood vessels. Prolonged high blood pressure causes vasodilation, which negatively affects the functioning of the testicles.
Symptoms of the disease:
- Drawing pain in the inguinal region.
- Testicular asymmetry.
- Excessive sweating around the scrotum.
- Cramping and very sharp pains.
- Discomfort during movement.
Local temperature increase in the testicles. This leads to the cessation of sperm production.
Usually, the disease does not manifest itself at all. It can only be detected by a specialist during a medical examination.
The effect of varicose veins on male libido
Can varicose veins affect the decrease in potency? According to experts, this cannot be, except for the pain. But other reasons can affect a man's strength. To identify them, you should consult an andrologist.
They have a negative effect on the potency of prostatitis and prostate adenoma disease. These pathologies reduce potency due to congestion. The absence of an erection in the morning is already a signal that cannot be ignored.
Doctors attribute the only thing to the complications of varicose veins - this is the impossibility of conceiving a child. This is due to a violation of the reproductive function.
The viscosity of the seminal fluid decreases, the motility of the sperm slows down significantly. The activity of the germ cells is inhibited, and their life expectancy is reduced.
But infertility and impotence are not related to honey. If you start treatment at an early stage, you can prevent infertility. Surgery is the only correct treatment for the disease. Does surgery affect potency? No, it does not reduce male libido. But until the body fully recovers, you can't have sex. The rehabilitation period usually lasts a month.
In addition to open surgery, laparoscopy can also be performed. The duration of the intervention does not exceed 20 minutes. After the surgical treatment of the varicose veins, the patient's spermogram also improves.

Regardless of whether varicose veins affect potency, the disease must be treated. This not only saves a person from the pain of the scrotum, but also enables the birth of children. Conservative therapeutic methods are not used, they are not able to give the desired result.
Thus, varicose veins of the inguinal region have absolutely no effect on the reduction of potency. The man's normal sex life continues without problems. But spermatogenesis can be impaired as the disease progresses. This causes infertility.
Impotence and infertility are two different things. Treatment is most effective only in the early stages of the disease. An erection occurs when blood flows into the cavernous body of the penis. The process is regulated by the central nervous system, it is not connected to the venous system of the testes.
It is worth noting that over time, due to the decrease in testosterone, the functioning of the testicles is impaired. This is the sex hormone produced in them. The problem can be observed with the age of the man. The strength of sexual attraction decreases significantly. However, varicose veins can reduce erection in only one case - in case of severe pain during intercourse in the inguinal region of the scrotum.